What is the significance of adorning rudraksha when performing ritualistic worship?
a rudraksha-mala while worshipping Shiva is ideal. Followers
of the Natha and Vama sects and Kapaliks especially use the rudraksha.
1. Definition and meaning of the word Rudraksha
The word rudraksha is derived from two words - rudra (रुद्र) and aksha (अक्ष).A. Aksha means eye. Rudra and aksha means the one who is capable of looking at and doing everything (for example, the third eye). Aksha also means axis. Since the eye can rotate on one axis, it too is known as aksha.
B. Rudra means the one who weeps. A (अ) means to receive and ksha (क्ष) means to give. Hence, aksha (अक्ष) denotes the ability to receive or give. Rudraksha is the one that has the ability to wipe our tears and provide happiness.
2. The rudra (rudhir, rudraksha) tree
A. Creation of the rudraksha tree from the tears of grief shed by Shankar (or Shiva) upon seeing the unrighteous conduct of demon Tarakasur’s sons, and their destruction by Shiva
Through their righteous conduct and devotion unto Shiva, Tarakasur’s sons Tadinmali, Tarakaksh and Kamalaksh, attained divinity. After some time, seeing that they have returned to their original unrighteous conduct, Shankar was grief-stricken, and His eyes were filled with tears. A few of these tears fell onto the earth; a tree sprang up from these, which came to be known as the rudraksha tree. Later, Shiva destroyed the sons of Tarakasur. - Gurudev Dr. KateswamijiB. General information on rudraksha tree
This is found at a height or depth of three thousand meters above or below sea level. The rudraksha tree grows in a narrow opening, not on plain ground. Its leaves resemble those of tamarind or nux vomica, but are longer. It yields one to two thousand fruits annually. The Yatis (Ascetics) in the Himalayas survive only on these fruits. These fruits are also known as amrutphal (Fruits of nectar). They satisfy thirst.3. The rudraksha (fruit of the rudra tree)
Formation of Rudraksha !
4. Special characteristics of rudraksha
Rudraksha takes the radiance from the atmosphere and converts it into oil. If we chant ‘Om Namaha Shivaya’ sitting under a rudraksha tree, fragrant oil will emanate from a rudraksha for 24 hours. This oil will spill out if we blow into the hollow of the rudraksha. The oil of rudraksha has a pleasant odour. This oil is extracted from its tree too. Once the rudraksha is made effective, it emits air instead of oil.5. The function of rudraksha
A. Transformation of sound waves and light waves
The rudraksha transforms light waves of Deities in the universe into sound waves of the human body and vice versa. As a result, man can absorb waves of Deities and human thoughts can get converted into the language of the Deities.B. Absorbtion of sama (Sattva) waves
The rudraksha absorbs sama (Sattva) waves. Similarly, sama waves are emitted by its crests. A real rudraksha can be recognised by the vibrations felt upon holding it. At that time, the body absorbs the sama waves emitted by the rudraksha. If a rudraksha is held between the thumb and the ring finger, vibrations will be felt anywhere in the body. Even if kept nearby, the effect of a rudraksha is felt up to half an hour. Thus, during that period we are able to perceive vibrations even if any other object is held with the fingers. However, if the hands are washed with water, the vibrations cannot be perceived.C. Rudraksha-mala can be used for chanting the Name of any Deity
Any Deity’s Name can be chanted by holding a rudraksha.6. Benefits of rudraksha
B. Rudrakshas facilitate the activation of the Kundalini and the occurrence of keval kumbhak in Pranayam.
C. Rudrakshas have electromagnetic properties.
- Gurudev Dr. Kateswamiji
7. Fake rudrakshas
A. Bhadraksha
B. Vikrutaksha
C. Artificial rudrakshas
Wooden Rudraksha
D. Difference between a real and a fake rudraksha
A real rudraksha |
A fake rudraksha |
1. Form | Flat like a fish | Round |
2. Colour (reddish) | Permanent | Gets washed away with water |
3. If put in water | Sinks immediately | Either floats or sinks gradually with wavy movements |
4. Hollow from one end to the other | Present | Has to be made with a needle |
5. Rotation about itself when hung in a copper vessel or in water | Takes place | Does not take place |
6. Eaten away by termites after sometime | No | Yes |
7. Cost of each (In theYear 2008) | Rs. 4,000 – Rs. 40,000 | Rs. 20 – Rs. 200 |
8. Which waves does it absorb ? | Sama (Sattva) | - |
9. Are the vibrations felt ? | Yes | No |
E. A fake rudraksha and Saints
Even if Saints give a rudraksha that is fake externally, with the Chaitanya of the Saint, it gets converted into a real one from within.8. An ideal rudraksha (Characteristics)

An ideal rudraksha (Characteristics)
B. With distinct openings
C. One adorned with auspicious symbols such as an Om, Shivalinga, a swastik etc.
D. The bigger the rudraksha and the smaller the shaligram, the more ideal it is. - Merutantra
E. A rudraksha obtained from a rudraksha tree whose girth is more the span of the arms of a human, meaning, one obtained from a very old tree.
F. A rudraksha obtained from a rudraksha tree situated at a great height above the sea level, and for the same tree, one obtained from the top of the tree : Rudrakshas at a greater height are more effective since they receive the Sattva component coming from above in greater proportion.
G. A white colour rudraksha is the best. Rudrakshas of inferior quality in the ascending order are crimson, yellow or black. Generally, white and yellow rudrakshas are uncommon, while red and black ones are common
Dire state of Hindus !
attractive, colourful, but poisonous snake in the form of modernization has
trapped the Sanatan Hindu dharma and its culture in its grip. Our identity as a
'Hindu' is on the verge of destruction. A Hindu lives a life without any
pursuit and dies like an insect !
Hindus will become extinct if they keep electing congress & fail to unite !
the time Hindus do not understand that being first to attack is the best form
of self-defense, they will keep electing Congress to the power and face a
miserable death !
Current state of Hindus.
are alive only because they are not dead !
Political leaders committing poor deed regarding Kashmiri Hindus! :
political leaders have committed a very poor deed of hiding the grave situation
of Hindus residing in Kashmir from rest of the Hindus, continuously for past 60
years. Even capital punishment, if imparted to the politicians, would mean a
mild punishment for their poor deed.
Hindus should learn to protest against...
December is the day when Babri masjid was demolished and Muslims term it as a
'black day'. Also, the terrorists plan for striking destructive attacks as a
revenge for this demolition! The Jihadis have demolished several Hindu temples
in the past. Hindus should learn to protest against such acts in an effective
manner ! - (Daily Sanatan Prabhat, 5.12.2008)
Muslims are able to influence the world due to ....
are able to influence the world due to their pride in their own language and
their religion, whereas Hindus have become insignificant, not only in the
entire world but also in India, as they do not value their own language and religion
is an English saying that converted Christians are more fanatic than Pope.
Similarly the so called intellectuals of Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti (
committee for eradication of blind faith) of Maharashtra who have only
introductory knowledge of science consider themselves superior even to the
scientists !
Dwarf Science and its dwarf supporters !
Hindus, are Sriram and Srikrushna responsible for the lack of evidence for
their existence in the past as judged by excavations and through scientific
means ? Or is it the dwarf science and the intellectually dwarfed
anti-Righteous human beings who rely on such science and say that Ramayan and
Mahabharat never happened?
Hindus do not resist as they are as good as dead !
Hindu analysts who are followers of Dharma and wish to uphold the Nation have a
rosy but false impression about Hindus. They feel that since Hindus possess a
corrupted Sattva component, they do not oppose the Muslim and Christian
aggressors as well as anti-Righteous and anti-National elements. In reality,
however, there is no excess of Sattva component in Hindus. The reason they do
not oppose anti-Righteous and anti-National elements is because they are as
good as dead ! [Jyeshta Krushna 1, Kaliyug Varsh 5111(8th June 2009)]
Muslims unifying vision vs Hindus vision of fragmentation
are striving to bring the entire world under the roof of only Islam. Hindus on
the other hand make it their mission to break up the states of Bharat into
autonomous regions such as Vidarbha or Telangana ! [Chaitra Krushna 8, Kaliyug
Varsha 5112(6 june, 2010)]
Why secular Govt. targets Hindus ?
is it that a secular (unrighteous) Government has the right to a. blatantly
interfere in the religious affairs of only Hindus ? Can the Government alter
the religious matters of Muslims, Christians etc ? b. blatantly take over the
Hindu temples ? Has the Government taken over a single Mosque or Church?
[Chaitra Amavasya,Kaliyug Varsh5112 (14th April 2010)]
Devout Hindus, attend community gatherings organized by your brethren !
if you shun casteism, still attend the functions organized by people of your
community so as to eradicate their casteist (Jatandhyata) attitude. Develop
close relations with them and create an interest towards Dharma within them and
thus spread Dharma !
Spiritual strength is our only support
feeling of Hindus that 'We can do anything without having spiritual strength',
is a sign of ignorance and ego. So don't think in such a mistaken manner and begin
spiritual practice to gain spiritual strength. - H.H. Dr. Jayant Athavale
Hindus, realise the reason for your pathetic condition !
related to Dharma is imparted to Muslims in 'madarasas' and to Christians in
churches, whereas Hindus do not get such knowledge even at home. That is the
reason for their pathetic condition !
Not the so called rationalist, but only Dharma can teach the eternal Truth
proverb says, 'One cannot deceive everyone all the time.' This is in the context
of worldly matters (Maya related matters). That's why the intellectuals cannot
deceive everyone all the time. Whereas 'Dharma' always tells the Truth and can
guide everyone all the time.'
Kashmiri Hindus Exile day
solemnly observe 19th January as Kashmiri Hindus Exile Day. On 19th January
1990, Kashmiri Hindus were asked to leave their homes and hearth in their own
country. Thousands of Hindus were killed, Hindu homes were looted, Hindu girls
and women were subjected to horrifying atrocities. In 1990, thousands of Hindu
houses and temples were demolished in Kashmir and about 1500 Hindus were killed
If Hindus unite, all cow-slaughter houses in Pakistan too will be demolished !
have to unite to save cows, to arrest jihad, to stop rapes. If 900 millions of
Hindus get united, then we will demolish cow slaughter houses not only in
Morba, but in Maharashtra, all over the nation and even in Pakistan ! -
Jainmuni Pujya Vinamrasagarji Maharaj
Om Tat Sat
humble salutations to Sanatan Sanstha and Hindu Jagruti for the collection)
very good article. Know more about rudraksha http://godsmantra.com/spiritual-items/rudraksha/
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