Why should one bath while sitting in cross-legged position?
Appropriate position for taking bath
The effect of bathing, while sitting on a stool:
a stream of water on the Brahmarandhra causes the frequencies of Divine
consciousness (Chaitanya) to circulate in the body. Energy frequencies are
created in the Brahmarandhra.
of Energy and Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) are emitted from the Anahat chakra
of Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) are created in the body.
cross-legged posture results in the accumulation of frequencies of Divine
consciousness (Chaitanya).
consciousness created in the body destroys the black covering on it.
This makes
it clear that, bathing with standing position causes the vibrations, generated
in the body through the Absolute Water Principle (Apa-tattva), to flow out
through the feet. Whereas, bathing while sitting cross-legged preserves these
vibrations within the body. As against this, bathing while standing directs the
flow of consciousness in the body, from the feet towards the earth and the person
is not able to get the desired benefit.While showering in standing position, as the water flows from the body, the dirt on it too comes onto the ground. This impure water awakens the centres of black energy in the ground. A fountain of black energy springs up from the ground and once again, makes our body impure with Raja-Tama.
अत्यन्तमलिन: कायो नवच्छिद्रसमन्वित: ।
स्त्रवत्येष दिवारात्रौ प्रात: स्नानं विशोधनम् ।। - दक्षस्मृति अ. २.७
This implies that, our body which has 9 apertures expels impurities throughout the day. Therefore, bathing early in the morning cleanses this impure body.
The subtle process of this act of cleansing the body, as explained in the scriptures is as follows: The Raja-Tama frequencies expelled by the body into the external environment through these 9 apertures disintegrate with the help of water. The body becomes capable of imbibing Sattvik frequencies through these apertures. This results in the cleansing of the body in the true sense.
Therefore, the scriptures have propounded that during the early morning bath, one should clean all these spots of the body, aided by the all-encompassing contact of water.
2. Effect of using soaps containing chemicals
Some people apply oil and fragrant herbal paste (Ubtan) prior to a bath; while others apply the paste while bathing. The use of soaps with chemical ingredients has become common today.In soaps made of chemicals, synthetic ingredients are used. Their fragrances too are artificial. Such soaps are Raja-Tama predominant. Use of such soaps creates, at the subtle level, a covering of Raja-Tama around a person’s gross and subtle bodies. This covering attracts the distressing vibrations of negative energies. There is a possibility of distress to the person.
3. Actions to be undertaken after bathing
the bath, considering the bathing water to be a Holy liquid (Tirth),
we should sprinkle the remaining water around ourselves thrice, creating a
protective sheath. Due to this protective sheath, the negative energies are
unable to interfere in the cleansing process of the body through the bath.
having made a protective sheath, we should express gratitude unto the Water
Deity for the opportunity of getting cleansed with His grace.
increases the purity (sattvikta) in a person. Whereas, expressing
gratitude unto the Water Deity, results in increasing the Spiritual emotion (Bhav).
As a result, a person is able to imbibe frequencies of God in a larger
proportion.After a bath, four-fold the cloth and wring it. After bathing at home, wring the cloth, with it’s corners facing the floor. If we have bathed at a water reservoir, then we should wring the cloth, with it’s corners facing upwards. Never place a wrung cloth on the shoulder.
After this achaman is performed
4. Significance of head bath, with clothes on, on incidental occasions
Incidental bathing means, bathing on certain special occasions. A person’s body gets cleansed through a bath, with clothes on in the following cases – after vomiting, a haircut, sexual intercourse, nightmares, contact with a menstruating woman; or after touching a corpse, those carrying a corpse etc.5. Meritorious and Sin-destroying bath
The scriptures say that, in areas of pilgrimage, on specific planetary arrangements (Nakshatra), dates according to Indian calendar (Tithis), places and auspicious occasions, a bath is very important. Through such a bath, it is believed that sins are destroyed and merits are gained. For example,
is believed that bathing under the sacred Fig tree (Peepal) on Thursdays, at a
water reservoir or a river on the No-moon days (Amavasya) bestows merits
akin to a bath at Prayag and destroys all sins. Prayag refers to the place of
confluence of the rivers Ganga and Yamuna.
occasions of Pushya Nakshatra, Birth Nakshatra and Vaidhruti Yog etc., it is believed that a bath
in a river destroys all sins.
with a specific intent (Kamyasnan): Kamyasnan
is a bath with a specific intent, according to scriptural injunctions.6. Alternative for bathe
At times it is not possible for the weak, elderly and the infirm to bathe. Then what is the alternative ? If we are not able to bathe, then we should bathe the part of the body below the head or wipe the body with a wet cloth. This is also a type of bath. Very elderly people or persons suffering from fever, indigestion, diarrhea, pain in the eyes and ears, disorders of the nervous system, disease of the eyes and the mouth should not bathe. Similarly, one should not bathe when very hungry or immediately after having a meal.7. Sunbath
Under the influence of Western culture, a new type of bath – ‘Sunbath’ has come into vogue. According to the scriptures, it is more beneficial to sit under the heat of the sun and chant, as compared to a ‘Sunbath’.Reason for sitting under the heat of the sun and chanting being superior to ‘Sunbathing’: Light heat of the sun is nourishing and beneficial for the body; but the subtle bodies of desire-oriented negative energies in the environment are attracted towards the person who sunbathes. The person may suffer distress. A sunbath may provide physical benefits, but there are none at the Spiritual level. As against this, by sitting under the light heat of the sun and chanting, we are able to imbibe more of the Purity (Sattvikta) and Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) of the sun; we benefit at both the levels – physical and Spiritual.
8. Why is regular Spiritual Practice (Sadhana) the only true ‘Bath’?
Bathing with water cleanses the external body for some time; Achaman for internal cleansing also lasts for a limited period. But, to become one with God, we have to maintain our Purity and for that we should make constant efforts.Man should make a great deal of extra efforts to make his mind and intellect pure and virtuous, than he does to remain physically healthy. From the Spiritual viewpoint, a true ‘Bath’ is one that removes the impurities and disorders from the body and the inner-self (Antahkaran) of man. It is possible to achieve this through Spiritual Practice (Sadhana). There is a saying in Sanskrut,
न उदकक्लिन्नगात्रस्तु स्नात: इत्यभिधीयते ।
Meaning: Wetting the body-parts with water does not amount to a ‘Bath’. True ‘Bath’ is one, where the mind becomes Pure. In order to achieve this:
can chant the Name of the Family Deity (Kuldevta) or the Deity one feels close to (Ishtadevta).
can chant ‘Shri Gurudev Datta |’ – Name of Deity Dattatreya – for alleviation
of distress or protection from the unsatisfied subtle bodies of ancestors.
Depending upon the severity of the distress, chant the Name atleast 30 minutes
to 1 hour every day.
retiring for the night, we should contemplate, along with chanting of the
Family Deity’s (Kuldevta’s) Name, on how we have performed our actions
during the day. For mistakes committed during the day, seek God’s forgiveness.
an effort to have a Spiritual emotion (Bhav) of gratitude towards each object received
from God and all His Creation.
by the Religious Conducts (Achars) with faith.
Diwali i.e. Dipawali (Hindi Article)
आश्विन एवं कार्तिक मासमें आनेवाले त्यौहार,
उत्सव एवं कातोंसे संबंधित जानकारी प्राप्त करेंगे । इनमें
सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण त्यौहार है,
दिवाली अर्थात दीपावली
शब्द दीप एवं आवली की संधिसे बना है । आवली अर्थात पंक्ति । इस प्रकार दीपावली शब्दका अर्थ है, दीपोंकी पंक्ति । दीपावलीके
समय सर्वत्र दीप जलाए जाते हैं, इसीलिए इस त्यौहारका नाम
दीपावली है । भारतवर्षमें मनाये
जानेवाले सभी त्यौहारोमें दीपावलीका सामाजिक और धार्मिक दोनों दृष्टियोंसे अत्यधिक महत्त्व है । इसे दीपोत्सव
भी कहते हैं । `तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।' अर्थात `अंधेरेसे ज्योति अर्थात
प्रकाशकी ओर जाइए' यह उपनिषदोंकी आज्ञा है । अपने घरमें सदैव लक्ष्मीका वास रहे, ज्ञानका प्रकाश रहे, इसलिए हरकोई बडे आनंदसे
दीपोत्सव मनाता है । प्रभु श्रीराम चौदह वर्षका
वनवास समाप्त कर अयोध्या लौटे, उस समय प्रजाने दीपोत्सव मनाया । तबसे प्रारंभ हुई दीपावली ! इसे उचित
पद्धतिसे मनाकर आप सभीका आनंद द्विगुणित हो, यह शुभकामना !
दीपावलीका पूर्वायोजन
आनेसे पूर्व ही लोग अपने घर-द्वारकी स्वच्छतापर
ध्यान देते हैं । घरका कूडा-करकट साफ करते हैं । घरमें टूटी-फूटी वस्तुओंको ठीक करवाकर, घरकी रंगाई करवाते हैं । इससे उस स्थानकी न केवल आयु ही बढ जाती है, अपितु
आकर्षण भी बढ जाता है । वर्षात्र+तुमें फैली
अस्वच्छताका भी परिमार्जन हो जाता है । स्वच्छताके साथही घरके सभी सदस्य नये कपडे सिलवाते हैं । विविध मिठाइयां भी बनायी
जाती हैं । ब्रह्मपुराणमें लिखा है
कि, दीपावलीको श्री लक्ष्मी
सद्गृहस्थोंके घरमें विचरण करती हैं । घरको सब
प्रकारसे स्वच्छ, शुद्ध और सुशोभित करके दीपावली मनानेसे श्री लक्ष्मी प्रसन्न होती हैं और वहां
स्थायीरूपसे निवास करती हैं ।
दीपावलीमें बनाई जानेवाली विशेष रंगोलियां
शुभ पर्वपर विशेष रूपसे रंगोली बनानेकी प्रथा है । रंगोलीके दो उद्देश्य हैं - सौंदर्यका साक्षात्कार एवं
मंगलताकी सिद्धि । रंगोली देवताओंके
स्वागतका प्रतीक है । रंगोलीसे सजाए आंगन को देखकर देवतां प्रसन्न होते हैं । इसी कारण दिवालीमें प्रतिदिन देवताओंके
तत्त्व आकृष्ट करनेवाली रंगोलियां बनानी
चाहिए और उस माध्यमसे देवतातत्त्व का लाभ प्राप्त करना चाहिए ।
बनानेके साथही दीपावलीमें प्रतिदिन की जानेवाली
महत्त्वपूर्ण कृति है, तेलके दीप जलाना | दीपावलीमें
सायंकालमें देवता और तुलसीके समक्ष, साथही द्वारपर एवं
आंगनमें विविध स्थानोंपर तेलके
दीप जलाए जाते हैं । यह भी देवता तथा अतिथियोंका स्वागत करनेका प्रतीक है । आजकल तेलके दीपके स्थानपर मोमके
दीप लगाए जाते हैं अथवा कुछ स्थानोंपर
बिजलीके दीप भी लगाते हैं । परंतु शास्त्रके अनुसार तेलके दीप लगानाही उचित एवं लाभदायक है । तेलका दीप एक
मीटरतककी सात्त्विक तरंगें खींच सकता है ।
इसके विपरीत मोमका दीप केवल रज-तमकणोंका प्रक्षेपण करता है, जबकि बिजलीका दीप
वृत्तिको बहिर्मुख बनाता है । इसलिए दीपोंकी संख्या अल्प ही क्यों न हो, तो
भी तेलके दीपकी ही पंक्ति लगाएं ।
दीपावलीका एक आकर्षण है, आकाशदीप अथवा आकाशकंदील
प्रकारके रंगीन कागज, थर्माकोल आदिकी विविध कलाकृतियां बनाकर उनमें बिजलीका दिया लगाया जाता है, उसे आकाशदीप अथवा आकाशकंदील
कहते हैं । आकाशदीप सजावटका ही एक भाग है ।
दीपावली पर्वपर बच्चोंद्वारा बनाए जानेवाले घरौंदे एवं किले
अवसरपर उत्तर भारतके कुछ स्थानोंपर बच्चे आंगनमें मिट्टीका घरौंदा बनाते हैं, जिसे कहींपर `हटरी', तो कहीं पर `घरकुंडा'के नामसे जानते हैं । दीपसे सजाकर, इसमें खीलें, बताशे, मिट्ठाइयां एवं मिट्टीके खिलौने रखते हैं । महाराष्ट्रमें
बच्चे दुर्ग बनाते हैं तथा उसपर
छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज व उनके सैनिकोंके चित्र रखते हैं । इस प्रकार त्यौहारोंके माध्यमसे पराक्रम तथा धर्माभिमानकी
वृद्धि कर बच्चोंमें राष्ट्र एवं
धर्मके प्रति कुछ नवनिर्माणकी वृत्तिका पोषण किया जाता है । दीपावली शुभसंदेश देनेवाला एक महान पर्व है ।
दीपावलीके शुभेच्छापत्र के विषयमें
मंगल पर्वपर लोग अपने सगे-संबंधियों व शुभचिंतकोंको, आनंदमय दीपावलीकी शुभकामनाएं देते हैं । इसके लिए वे शुभकामना पत्र भेजते हैं तथा कुछ लोग उपहार भी देते
हैं । ये साधन जितने सात्त्विक होंगे, उतना ही अधिक लाभ, देनेवाले एवं प्राप्त
करनेवालेको होगा । शुभकामना पत्रोंके संदेश
एवं उपहार, यदि धर्मशिक्षा, धर्मजागृति व
संबंधित हों, तो प्राप्त करनेवालेको इस दिशामें
कुछ करनेकी प्रेरणा भी मिलती है ।
हिंदु जनजागृति समितिद्वारा इसप्रकारके शुभेच्छापत्र बनाए जाते हैं ।
दीपावली मनानेका एक और महत्त्वपूर्ण अंग है, पटाखे
छोटे-बडे, हर आयुवर्गके लोग पटाखे जलाकर आनंद
व्यक्त करते हैं; परंतु क्या वास्तवमें पटाखोंका ऐसा उपयोग उचित है ? पटाखे जलानेका अर्थ है, बारूदके माध्यमसे उत्सवकी शोभा बढानेका एक प्रयास ! इसकी तुलनामें, उससे होनेवाली हानि कहीं
अधिक है । पटाखे जलानेसे होनेवाले
कारण आरोग्यकी हानि होनेके साथही आर्थिक हानि भी होती है ।
पटाखोंपर देवता, राष्ट्रपुरुषोंके चित्र बने होते हैं, उदा. लक्ष्मी छाप बम, कृष्णछाप फुलझडी, नेताजी छाप पटाखा आदि । ऐसे पटाखे जलाकर देवताओंके चित्रोंके चिथडे कर, हम अपनी ही आस्थाको पैरोंतले रौंदते हैं । इससे हमारी आध्यात्मिक हानि भी होती है ।
सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण बात तो यह है, कि पटाखोंका कोई धर्मशास्त्रीय महत्त्व नहीं है । इसलिए पटाखें न जलाइए ।
हिंदु जनजागृति समिति, सनातन संस्था जैसे अन्य समविचारी संगठनोंके साथ सन २००० से पटाखोंके कारण होनेवाली हानिको रोकने हेतु जनजागृति अभियान चला रहीं हैं । आप भी इसमें सहभागी हो जाइए ।
सबसे महत्त्वपूर्ण बात तो यह है, कि पटाखोंका कोई धर्मशास्त्रीय महत्त्व नहीं है । इसलिए पटाखें न जलाइए ।
हिंदु जनजागृति समिति, सनातन संस्था जैसे अन्य समविचारी संगठनोंके साथ सन २००० से पटाखोंके कारण होनेवाली हानिको रोकने हेतु जनजागृति अभियान चला रहीं हैं । आप भी इसमें सहभागी हो जाइए ।
पर्वके अंतर्गत आनेवाले महत्त्वपूर्ण दिन हैं,
नरक चतुर्दशी
२. लक्ष्मीपूजन एवं
३. बलिप्रतिपदा
२. लक्ष्मीपूजन एवं
३. बलिप्रतिपदा
तीन दिन दीपावलीमें विशेष उत्सवके रूपमें मनाए जाते हैं । वसुबारस अर्थात गोवत्स द्वादशी, धनत्रयोदशी
अर्थात धनतेरस तथा भाईदूज अर्थात यमद्वितीया, ये दिन दीपावलीके साथ ही आते हैं । इसलिए, भले ही ये त्यौहार भिन्न हों, फिर भी इनका समावेश दीपावलीमें ही किया जाता है । इन दिनोंको दीपावलीका एक अंग माना जाता है । कुछ
प्रदेशोंमें वसुबारस अर्थात गोवत्स द्वादशी को ही
दीपावलीका आरंभदिन मानते है ।
Om Tat Sat
(My humble salutations to Hindu Jagruti for the collection)
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